I was honored and privileged to share Prayers of the People for the Eucharist on Sunday at the Episcopal Church's Executive Council meeting. I had written these originally for use at the Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries 40th anniversary celebration in June, 2013, in San Francisco.
With our hearts and hands reaching out to lift up your
beloved children, members of the blessed body of your son, our Savior, Jesus
Lord who Gathers, we pray to you, saying “Lord,
hear our prayer.”
For all the people of the nations, that they may know you
and show forth your love in their daily lives,
Lord who Shepherds, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.
For all the members of your Church, that in our baptismal
ministry of proclamation, discipleship, and servanthood, we may seek and serve
Christ in all people and respect the dignity of every human being,
Lord who Anoints, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.
For Katharine, our Presiding Bishop, and for all bishops,
priests, and deacons, that they may be filled with your love, hunger for truth,
and thirst after righteousness,
Lord who Consecrates, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.
For our Missioners; for this Council and all church
councils; and for all clergy and lay leaders and members; that we may be
strengthened in our vocation and ministry, serving and leading boldly, with
courage and conviction,
Lord who Calls, we pray to you, saying Lord, hear our prayer.
For our families and friends; for our enemies and those from
whom we are separated; for those whose hearts, minds, and faith are known only
to you; that they may be filled with your peace, and that our divisions may be
Lord who Heals, we pray to you, saying Lord, hear our prayer.
For those in positions of public trust, especially Barack,
our President, and all who serve in governance, law-making, law enforcement,
the military, and the judiciary of all nations, that they may serve justice and
peace with honesty and integrity, promoting life and liberty for all your
people and creatures,
Lord who Proclaims, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.
For a blessing on the labor of your beloved children, and
for the right use and care of your creation, that the world may be released
from poverty, hunger, and catastrophic disasters,
Lord who Blesses, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.
For those who live in poverty, sickness, and suffering; for
refugees and prisoners; for all who are in danger; that they may be relieved
and protected,
Lord who Abides, we pray to you, saying Lord, hear our prayer.
For ourselves; for the forgiveness of our sins, known and
unknown; and for the grace of the Holy Spirit to amend our lives,
Lord who Forgives, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.
For all who have died in the communion of your Church, that they may have rest
eternal in your loving arms, and know peace and release from suffering, grief,
and pain,
Lord who Redeems, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.
In the joyful and enduring company of all your saints, we
commend ourselves, and one another, and all our life to you, Creator, Redeemer,
and Sanctifier,
Lord of Power and Grace, we pray to you, saying Lord,
hear our prayer.