I am honored to serve as The Episcopal Church's ecumenical partner, elected by its Executive Council, to the Church Council of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and this is the report that I gave at the Executive Council meeting of June 15-17, 2011.
Respectfully submitted by Lelanda Lee
on June 18, 2011
Only highlights were given orally at the
Executive Council meeting
to avoid duplication of information shared
in discussion.
The link to the ELCA LIFT Report is at
The ELCA Church Council meets twice a year,
typically in April and November. The last meeting was in April.
This year is a Churchwide Assembly year with the
meeting scheduled in August in Orlando. In the past Churchwide Assembly has
been every two years, but there is a proposal for this year’s Churchwide
Assembly to approve becoming a triennial meeting, like our General Convention, after
2013, in response to budget realities.
When the Secretary, Carlos Pena, who presides
over the meetings, asked for a show of hands of who would be attending as a
voting member of Churchwide Assembly, only one hand went up. That piqued my
curiosity, and I surveyed some members at lunch. What I learned bowled me over!
The general response was that Council members had their opportunity to voice
their opinions in Council and that being a voting member at Churchwide Assembly
allows others to voice their opinions.
The ELCA has for the past year been engaged in a
reorganization following a year-and-a-half task force study called the LIFT
Report – Living Into the Future Together. The study was shaped by two
questions: What is God calling this church to be and to do in the future?
What changes are in order to help us respond most faithfully? The task
force intentionally titled its task “renewing the ecology.”
That consultation involved a significant two-day
meeting last August, which I attended and to which other ecumenical partners
including the United Methodists and the Presbyterians were also invited. The
reorganization, or redesign as the Lutherans call it, was in response to a
revisioning of the church that turns the organization upside-down, if you will,
with more resources flowing to synods and congregations and fewer resources
flowing to the churchwide organization. The revisioning has been about focusing
in on mission and ministry and being and doing church most intentionally at the
local, congregational expression of church.
That has meant significant reductions in staff
at the church center in Chicago, cutting deeper than we cut, and cutting into
representation also, with the painful elimination of the support given to
advocacy groups such as the ELCA women’s and ethnic representatives’ attendance
at Church Council meetings. The ELCA budget now reflects an increase in rental income
due to the availability of whole floors of space open for leasing to others.
The changes are visible to the casual visitor, who now is greeted by the
receptionist on the 11th floor instead of a receptionist for the whole building
on the ground floor.
The LIFT report
looked at the trends of the times that dictate change in the churches, as
identified by Phyllis
Tickle in her book The
Great Emergence and by others. You will recognize these, because we have
talked about them here in our own Council meetings:
Declining participation in Christian churches;
Growth in “no religious affiliation;”
Becoming more “spiritual” and less “religious;”
Influence of individualism on Christian identity
and community life;
Increasing social, cultural and religious
diversity in the U.S.;
Growing influence of Hispanic/Latino religious
Identifying a new stage of life: “Emerging
The rise of a distinctive post-boomer faith and
Changing structures and patterns of family life
in the United States;
Rediscovering the impact of parents and families
on faith practice;
Living in a digital world;
Educating in new ways; and
Increasing numbers of adults 65 and older.
task force also pointed to specific strengths within the ecology of the ELCA:
The ELCA’s
history and practice equip it to offer its distinctive gifts to the world.
various interrelated constituencies within this church possess a tradition of
active and effective worship and service.
tradition shows itself in an active posture that seeks to proclaim the good news
of Jesus Christ in all its rich dimensions.
church’s service agencies reach one in fifty-five American households annually.
activities have produced a reputation for leadership in ecumenism and
inter-faith dialogue.
seeks to be a public church as it speaks to the issues of its day while
remaining faithful to its confessional heritage.
I think it is noteworthy that the ELCA has been
self-reflective, methodical and honest in its assessment of where it finds
itself as a church in 2011, recognizing:
declining membership in the ELCA and lower attendance at worship.
The ethnic
diversity of the United States population is not reflected adequately in this
is aging.
individual contributions increase, overall financial giving is lower in both
designated and undesignated contributions. As a result, there is decreased
support for regional and national expressions of the church.
The most
recent national and global recession also is reflected in church finances.
project is not a process peculiar to the ELCA. Nearly every mainline church
(including the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Christian Church [Disciples
of Christ], Seventh-day Adventist, Southern Baptist Convention, The United
Methodist Church) in the United States has been or is examining what changes
are necessary as they confront a radically changing environment. In addition,
many religious groups formerly seen as prospering in the current environment
also are finding that circumstances are leading them to reexamine their
report findings and recommendations will be brought to the ELCA’s churchwide
assembly in August for action by the wider church.
The proposed recommended Social
Statement on Genetics was approved to be sent on to the churchwide assembly
for consideration and adoption. It is a process that has taken nearly ten
years. In response to the Draft of 2010 alone, the task force received feedback
at 48 synodical hearings as well as from hundreds of written responses or
reflections from across the country. Several members of the task force
individually read each written communication. They sought to hear the concerns
behind different and, sometimes, contrasting opinions so that they could revise
the draft into the strongest and clearest possible proposed social statement.
That process is not unlike what we have sought to do in our own context with
our D020 task force asking for feedback on the proposed Anglican Covenant.
The ELCA has entered into a Joint
Mission Statement of the ELCA and African Methodist Episcopal Zion. This
Joint Mission Statement is an example of things rising up from the grassroots.
It was through a friendship and pulpit exchange at a local Lutheran and a local
AMEZ church that the impetus for such a relationship originated. This was
brought to the attention of the Presiding Bishop and the Church Center, and
follow-up led to this historic agreement.
As Pastor Kathryn Tiede reported, I have been
invited by the ELCA Church Council’s Anti-Racism Team as well as by their newly
hired Anti-Racism Officer Judith Barlow-Roberts to participate in providing
Anti-Racism training at their November Church Council meeting. It is our hope
that we will be able to collaborate in other ways to do anti-racism work together
as two churches in mission partnership.
It is ironic that I borrowed the Process
Observation form from the ELCA, that our Anti-Racism Team placed more words and
process around the use of the form, and now I am invited to bring it back to
ELCA. This is an example of how ecumenical sharing can happen and not only at
the Presiding Bishops’ level, but also at the level of church people working
together wherever they find themselves. This represents a real richness in
relationship, and you could see how excited Kathryn Tiede is about the
relationship and its possibilities.